Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

About us

Part of Downing

Who is Downing?  

We are an established investment manager founded in 1986, combining scale and experience with a focus on client service. We currently manage over £2 billion of assets (as of March 2024). 

What do we believe in? 

We focus on investments that matter. We aim to deliver not only attractive financial returns, but also enable our clients to invest their money in things they care about. With over three decades’ experience managing assets, we pride ourselves on our ability to take both an agile and considered approach, offering investment opportunities that can be both profitable and purposeful. Our commitment to building long-term relationships and supporting good businesses combined with our entrepreneurial spirit, means we are always looking for new opportunities that create value for our customers.  

The bond platform has successfully raised over £200 million, helping to support businesses in a variety of different sectors.

Downing Bonds

The Downing Bond platform launched in 2016 to provide an alternative solution for businesses to raise finance and offer retail investors access to fixed income opportunities typically inaccessible because of their entry requirements. 

We provide investment opportunities in corporate bonds not listed on a stock exchange. They aren't listed because when companies want to raise smaller amounts of money for a shorter term, the costs and the time it takes to list makes it prohibitive. 

Investing in Downing Bonds is very straight forward. Simply choose the investment or investments that are right for you and begin to accrue interest at the rate advertised. Interest terms can vary, with some Bonds paying interest at regular intervals and others rolling up and compounding, helping to maximise returns. 

The majority of Bonds on offer have a fixed term and so investors should expect to hold the Bond until maturity (typically 1-3 years). Our Bonds are asset backed and typically hold a first charge over assets, however, they are considered high risk investments and so as with any investment, you should do your research before investing. 

Our offices


St Magnus House,
3 Lower Thames Street,
London EC3R 6HD


14 St Andrews Crescent,
Cardiff CF10 3DD


23 Newton Place,
G3 7PY


7A Odenplan,
Norrtullsgatan 6,
113 26 Stockholm