Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Don't invest unless you are prepared to lose all the money you invest. These are high-risk investments and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Meet the team

Jonathan Boss

Jonathan Boss


Parik Chandra

Parik Chandra

Partner and Head of Residential Development Finance

Colin Corbally

Colin Corbally

Partner and Head of Investment Strategy

Mark Dunn

Mark Dunn

Partner and Head of Retail Sales

Mark Gross

Mark Gross

Partner and Head of Development Capital

Jane Hart

Jane Hart

Customer Services Director

Danielle Jones

Danielle Jones

Head of Risk and Compliance

Roger Lewis

Roger Lewis

Head of Sustainability and Responsible Investing

Kostas Manolis

Kostas Manolis

Partner and Head of Private Market Investments

Sonnie McCarthy

Sonnie McCarthy

Bond Operations Manager

Tony McGing

Tony McGing

Partner and Chief Executive Officer

Tom Moore

Tom Moore

Partner and Head of Private Market Operations

Peter Naylor

Peter Naylor


Matthew O'Keefe

Matthew O'Keefe

Associate Director, Bonds

Anne Sanders

Anne Sanders

Partner and Chief Financial Officer

James Weaver

James Weaver

Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Tom Williams

Tom Williams

Partner and Head of Energy and Infrastructure